In 2007, the “Ironmen from Ironbridge” set themselves the challenge of completing the 100km Oxfam Trailwalker from the Harbour to the Hawkesbury, and more importantly, raising money for Oxfam.
Oxfam work in partnership with local communities to increase the number of people who have a sustainable livelihood, access to social services, an effective voice in decisions, safety from conflict and disaster, and equal rights and status.
Ed Bigazzi, Paul Evans, Josh McKean, Matt McLellan and Tom Woolley took part in the endurance event, where teams cooperated to complete a 100km walk in less than 48 hours.
Following several months of night and day training sessions the team embarked from Chowder Bay in Sydney’s North on a wet August morning. The walk presented some extreme weather conditions, with rain periods throughout the entire event and heavy fog during the night.
The team stuck together and kept up a good spirit till the end with the entire team completing the event in under the targeted 28 hours. A great achievement given only 40% of the 200 teams managed to complete the event with all their walkers.
The team’s other challenge was to raise at least $7,500 for Oxfam and the team received many generous donations from friends, family, clients and Ironbridge employees. The fundraising target was passed within three weeks and they have since managed to raise more than $20,000 placing them in the top 20 fundraisers for the event.
While the walk may seem like the hard part, most people don’t understand Oxfam Trailwalker is a massive logistical exercise. Without the dedication, enthusiasm and hard work contributed by the Ironmen’s extensive support crew, completing the Trailwalker event simply would not have been possible. For further information on Oxfam please visit their website at www.oxfam.org.au